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Family finds employment with help from Dundee Parental Employment Support programme.

Bukola And Oluyesi Employability Day (3)

Bukola and Oluseyi are a hardworking couple from Nigeria who moved to Scotland in 2022 with their young daughter and son. Bukola came to pursue her Masters degree at the prestigious University of Dundee, while Oluseyi was looking for work to support the family.

The couple faced a number of challenges when they arrived in Scotland. They had no access to public funds and their savings were dwindling after paying Bukola's international student fees. Job hunting in Dundee proved difficult, as they were unfamiliar with the local job market and did not have a network of contacts.

However, with a little help, Bukola and Oluseyi were able to turn their situation around. They were referred to the Parental Employment Support project in Dundee, which is part of the All in Dundee service. The project paired them with an Employment Coordinator, Louise who helped them revamp their CVs, create persuasive cover letters, and coach them on acing interviews.

The result? Oluseyi was offered not one, but three jobs, and was able to choose the best fit for him and his family. Bukola also secured a job in the care sector, which allowed her to work whilst studying. Their family has now transitioned from a jobless household to a fully employed one, increasing their income and greatly improving their lives and the lives of their children.

"Louise is a very fantastic, patient, and kind person. She has been very helpful from start to finish."

This heart warming story is a testament to the power of employability support, perseverance, and the importance of services like All in Dundee. 

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