Fancy walking your way to raising vital funds for Enable and the people we work for?
Become our North East hero by taking on the Mighty Stride - a challenging 22 miles in Scottish summertime- or just a Wee Wander with some friends. With every step you can be clocking up the £££s for Enable and making a difference to the lives of thousands of people who have a learning disability.
The Dundee Kiltwalk takes place on Sunday 20th August and takes you past some of the city's iconic spots as well of a some of the finest countryside of any physical challenge. Why not get together with some friends and set yourselves some personal goals as well as fundraising targets?
The Kiltwalk is our best supported fundraiser throughout the year, with hundreds of you signing up to help sustain the vital services Enable has in place to support people, whenever and wherever they need it. Our team will be on-hand for advice and ideas on fundraising tips, as well as being there on the day to cheer you on.
Sign up today and make a pledge that will be a big step for you, but could be a giant leap for someone with a learning disability.